Anxious thoughts can overwhelm you, making it difficult to make decisions and take action to deal with whatever issue bothers you. If you are feeling constantly overwhelmed, here are some tips for you:

 1.Practice Acceptance

Anxiety by itself is neither good nor bad — it just is. Rather than feeling ashamed or frustrated by your anxious thoughts, acceptance can help you feel less anxious. Acknowledge it instead of fighting it so that you can free yourself to learn how to manage anxious thoughts more effectively.

 2. Get Rid of Toxins

When anxious thoughts start creeping in, it may be time to practice a little self-care. Taking deliberate steps to look after your physical health and get rid of toxins can help your mental health when dealing with anxiety. You can make a digital detox, or take long walks.

 3. Exercise

Just 10 minutes of exercise could start to calm your mind. It releases endorphins that make you feel good and can help improve your mood, focus, and sleep.

 4. Reverse your overwhelmed thought processes

Feelings of unpredictability and complete despair fuel overwhelm. Those negative  thoughts build up anxiety and can cause a person significant distress. Stop those damaging thoughts before they become habitual ruminations by honestly asking yourself if that way of thinking is unreasonable or unhelpful. At the same time, try to find alternative, more positive thoughts.

 5. Be in the moment

If your thinking is focused on what the future holds,  whether in a few minutes or several years down the road,  it may make you more susceptible to becoming overwhelmed. Think about one moment, task, and experience at a time, in the present moment, to help remove the possibility of uncontrollable thoughts that may or may not come about.


Much love to you, Natalia 💛